Wally Ice Fest needs volunteers!
Volunteers are an essential part of ensuring a smooth and effective Tournament. We welcome individuals that would like to become a part of our game day support team, as there are a lot of moving parts from Ice Crew to game day preparations. We greatly appreciate and value all of your enthusiasm and effort!
Helping hands are always needed and there are a wide range of volunteer opportunities. Please reference our Volunteer Flyer below for some examples of how you can help make this event a great experience for everyone. With the help of our many volunteers we can ensure smooth sailing for pucks, players and spectators!
If you would like to become part of our great team of volunteers please do the following…
- Use the form on the left to sign up and request more information.
- Join our Facebook Group, “Wally Ice Fest Volunteers” and introduce yourself.
- If you know of anyone else who might want to lend a helping hand please direct them to our Website, or print out and distribute our volunteer flyer!